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Legend of the Mandela

The Native American mandala is created in honor of a people that truly understand the deeper undercurrents of thought, nature, and life. Further, they instinctively know that our own thoughts can sometimes mask the deeper messages that come from our hearts.

The Native American mandala is used to uncover the deeper meanings of our hearts, and assists in observing our motivations in life in connection with the grander scale of the universe. Native American Indians have a profound respect and understanding for the movement of Spirit. They know that all things are connected, and united. By incorporating the Native American mandala as a tool, we too can begin to understand the connectedness of the Universe.

Focusing on these mandalas and their symbolism allows our mind to cease its constant chatter, and our thoughts begin to delve deeper in the mist of thoughtthat dwells closer to the realm of Spirit. The mandala gives the chattering mind a point of focus, something to digest, while the Spirit connection is made, and clarity of the heart and soul is reached.

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